Monday, 26 December 2011


As we all know two rising Asian powers with high GDP growth and increasing geo-political influence, India and China have been arch rivals in their race to superpower Dom. Things we need to know before we compare the the two-
We all know about the interest of China over Arunachal Pradesh.
We all know what happened in 1962.China won the battle.
Now if another war happens over Arunachal Pradesh between these two countries what will be the outcome?.Can we resist the attack of China?.
I hope you will get an answer after reading this article. Please check below--

China’s military expenditure is estimated to be 91.5 billion official US dollars, which put China second only to the USA in global military spending. 
On the other side, India’s official military expenditure  is quoted at US$36.03 billion. India however, does not keep a level of secrecy as cloaked as China does, as its democratic government system requires public accountability. By its official 2008 military budget figures, India stands at 10th position in global military spending.
 India’s active military personnel numbered over 13,25,000 while China’s was significantly higher at 2,255,000.
In the air defence area, China’s PLA (People’s Liberation Army) Air Force has 9,218 aircrafts of which about 2300 are combat aircrafts, operating from its 489+ air bases.
The Indian Air Force has 3382 aircrafts which includes 1335 combat aircraft operating from 334+ land bases and its sole aircraft carrier INS Viraat. 
The best combat aircrafts in China’s PLAAF are Russian Su-30 MK and indigenously built, 4th generation J-10 fighters.
Indian Air Force, on the other hand has French built Dassault Mirage 2000s and Russian Su-30 MKI as the best aircrafts in its combat fleet (no indigenous fighters or aircrafts have been built by India so far). Indian Navy is the world’s eighth largest navy with a fleet of 145 vessels consisting of missile-capable warships, advanced submarines, the latest naval aircrafts and an aircraft carrier in its inventory. It is experienced both in combat and rescue operations during wartime and peace as seen from its wars with Pakistan in 1971, the December 2004 Tsunami, etc. 
On the other hand, China’s PLA Navy with its 284 fleet is quantitatively larger but primitive in actual experience and training as compared to the Indian Navy. 
China has no aircraft carriers officially but in actually china have 300m (990ft) carrier, which is being built in the north-east port of Dalian, has been one of China's worst-kept secrets, analysts say.

The Chinese aircraft carrier Varyag was seen sailing the Yellow Sea approximately 100 kilometers south-southeast of the port of Dalian, China by a commercial satellite image on first week of December 2011.
In strategic nuclear defence and delivery systems China’s PLA is miles ahead of India’s nuclear forces. China’s nuclear arsenal which started stockpiling in 1964, contains more than 210 nuclear warheads.
The most powerful ones among China’s nuclear arsenal have yields of over 4 megatons. In comparison, India’s strategic nuclear force which started stockpiling after the 1998 Shakti tests, has about 50-70 warheads at present. The most powerful among India’s nuclear warheads has an yield of 0.05 megatons which is minuscule, compared to China.As per my knowledge.
India’s nuclear delivery system consists of bombers, supersonic cruise missiles and medium range ballistics missiles. Agni 2, India’s longest range,deployed ballistic missile is capable of a range of 2500 km, carrying a single nuclear warhead of 1000 kg. In stark contrast, China’s nuclear delivery system is far more advanced than India’s, with multi-warhead MIRV capable ICBMs like DF-5A [12000+ km] and DF-4 [7500+ km]. It also possesses submarine launched SLBMs like JL-1 [4500+ km] and strategic fighter bombers like Su-27 Flanker in its nuclear weapons delivery arsenal.
Some more compares
1) China real nominal GDP is 5.88 Trillion, India's GDP is only 1.73 Trillion current.

2) China Birth Rate is below replacement level at 1.77, while India Birth Rate is well over replacement level at 2.7

3) China won 100 medals at the Olympics, while India won just 3

4.) China Industrial Sector is worth 1.2 trillion, India Industrial Sector is worth 0.15 Trillion (150 billion compared to china 1200 billion)

5 ) China R&D spending is the 2nd highest in the world, second only to USA. India R&D spending is not even the top 10 of the world.This is a very big issue,” he said. R&D spending as percentage of GDP in India is only 0.8% as compared to China's 1.23%. Developed countries have R&D expenditure of up to 3% of GDP.

6) China is now the 2nd trading nation in the world (the largest exporter in the world beating Germany!). India is not even in the top 10 of the world.

7) China already has very good world infrastructure i.e. roads, highways, reail/freight network, power grid etc. China infrastructure is comparable to EU or North America. India's infrastructure is true third world.

8) China national average IQ is estimated to be 105-110, highest in the world, 5-10 points higher than white europeans. India national national average IQ is estimated to be 81-85...semi moronic

9)China unofficial Defense spending is estimated to be 100-130 billion, second to only the USA. India defense spending is barely 22 billion, lower than Saudi Arabia's 35 billion

Now if we check the above comparison, we have our answer. As an Indian i would love to say Indian will win & they might be but only in talking. 
Please leave your comments.


  1. Well when it comes to war,then their will be no more hesitation that it will be a big loss to india as india is really is a poor and most corrupted country as compared to china. so rather we should compare or fight we need to strengthen ourselves to be the best.

    1. yaa u r so intelligent check the transparency rate of china and india

    2. yaa u r so intelligent check the transparency rate of china and india

  2. Your balance have weight in china sides, thanks for wasting time for made it..funny chinee ha ha...

  3. we INDIAN can destroy china , bcoz we have nuclear power... mind it.....

  4. This time of war China should think twice before start a war with India
    Because Indian weapons still not estimate World still not know some secret high class bombs India possess
    Definitely China should pay big price

  5. pls update you'r information, china has said it will reduce army personel by30% plus if you take reserve forces into consideration we are at par, and india now has 2 aircraft carriers functional, n india's defence budget is higher and lastly the biggest factor is that tibet protects india like a huge natural wall it is impossible for china to maintain long time supplies . bdw in 1962 china won because of reduced military spending on the indian , all according to internet and many books and documentaries

  6. May be it is possible that china will win there are slight possibilities of it but it will be a victory with no survivors left bcz afterall we are indians we dont even give waste free of cost and it is the case of war and dont forget what happened to britishers.mind it.

  7. pak cant be compared with india snd india cant be compared with china

  8. pak cant be compared with india snd india cant be compared with china

  9. Fuck off chineese u assholes come to war we will show who v are we will destroy u within 1 day and pak in 25 min in a tea brea..wait we only will conquer u can't u sign a agreement of nukes with us

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